Vision Statement

The U.S. Pork Center of Excellence (USPCE) facilitates stakeholder collaboration to address complex problems facing the pork industry and society through integrated education and research.

Mission Statement

The USPCE works with the pork industry, post-secondary education, government, and allied industries to develop education and research programs that are delivered by our partner organizations to pork producers.

About the USPCE

The U.S. Pork Center of Excellence was established on July 1st, 2005 for the purpose of bringing about a higher level of cooperation and collaboration among and between universities, the pork production industry, allied industry and USDA.

Currently, the U.S. Pork Center of Excellence is focused on talent development for the industry. Education and scholarship programs to identify and train new and existing to fill the pipeline of needs at all levels, including production, research and education / Extension.

USPCE Board of Directors

Representing State Extension Directors

Dr. Beverly R. Durgan

Dr. Beverly R. Durgan

Dean & Director

University of Minnesota – Extension
St. Paul, MN

Representing Colleges of Agriculture

Dr. Alan Grant

Dr. Alan Grant


Virginia Tech, College of Agriculture & Life Science
Blacksburg, VA

Host State Institution Representative

Dr. Daniel Robison

Dr. Daniel Robison

Endowed Dean’s Chair

Iowa State University
College of Agriculture & Life Sciences
Ames, IA

Representing Colleges of Veterinary Medicine

Dr. Daniel Grooms

Dr. Daniel Grooms

Chair, Dean of Veterinary Medicine

College of Veterinary Medicine
Iowa State University
Ames, IA

Representing Departments
of Animal Science

Dr. Todd See

Dr. Todd See

Department Head & Professor

Department of Animal Sciences
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC

Representing Junior Colleges and Technical Schools

Jeremy Burkett

Jeremy Burkett

Agriculture Instructor, Livestock Judging Coach

Casper College, School of Science
Casper, WY

Representing National Pork Board

Derrick Sleezer

Derrick Sleezer


Standard Nutrition

Representing National Pork Producers Council

Randy Brown

Randy Brown

Maken Bacon Farm

Representing National Pork Producers Council

Bill Luckey

Bill Luckey

Luckey Farm

Representing National Pork Producers Council

Bryan Humphreys

Bryan Humphreys


National Pork Producers Council
Des Moines, IA

Representing National Pork Producers Council

Dwight Mogler

Dwight Mogler

Mogler Farms/Pig Hill Co
Lester, Iowa

Representing National Pork Producers Council

Jim Compart

Jim Compart

Vice Chair

Compart’s Boar Store, Inc.
Nicollet, MN

Representing State Pork Association

Mary Kelpinski

Mary Kelpinski


Michigan Pork Producers Association
East Lansing, MI

Representing Allied Industry

Leah Dorman, DVM

Leah Dorman, DVM

Secretary, Director, Food Integrity & Consumer Engagement

Phibro Animal Health Corporation
Croton, OH


Representing USDA Agricultural Research Service

Dr. Steve Moeller

Dr. Steve Moeller

National Program Leader Food Animal Production, Division of Animal Production and Protection

USDA Agricultural Research Service
Beltsville, MD

Representing USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture

Dr. Mark Mirando

Dr. Mark Mirando

National Program Leader, Division of Animal Systems

USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Washington, DC

USPCE Board Officers


Dr. Daniel Grooms

Dr. Daniel Grooms

Dean of Veterinary Medicine

College of Veterinary Medicine
Iowa State University
Ames, IA

Vice Chair

Dr. Beverly R. Durgan

Dr. Beverly R. Durgan

Dean & Director

University of Minnesota – Extension
St. Paul, MN


Derrick Sleezer

Derrick Sleezer

Standard Nutrition


Leah Dorman, DVM

Leah Dorman, DVM

Director, Food Integrity & Consumer Engagement

Phibro Animal Health Corporation
Croton, OH


Bill Winkelman

Bill Winkelman

Executive Director

U.S. Pork Center of Excellence
[email protected]

Funding Partners

Land Grant Universities

Iowa State
Michigan State
Montana State
North Carolina State
Ohio State
Purdue University
South Dakota State University
Texas A&M
University of Minnesota
University of Missouri
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Virginia Tech
Washington State

State Pork Associations

Colorado Pork Producers Council
Illinois Pork Producers Association
Indiana Pork Producers Association
Iowa Pork Producers Association
Kentucky Pork Producers Association
Michigan Pork Producers Association
Minnesota Pork Board
Missouri Pork Association
Nebraska Pork Producers Association
Ohio Pork Council
South Dakota Pork Producers Council
Tennessee Pork Producers Association
Utah Pork Producers Association
Virginia Pork Council, Inc.
Wisconsin Pork Association

National Pork Associations

National Pork Board – Pork Checkoff
National Pork Producers Council

Impact Reports

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